My Story

Photo courtesy of Google
They say “you are what you eat” so why do so many of use refuse to believe our ailments are related to what we’re putting in our body?! It’s just another case of “seeing is believing” and I found that out the hard way.

I have started this blog as a vehicle to share my passion for healthy living. I have been driving my family and friends nuts for the past few years and have finally found the time to extend my knowledge to a broader audience!

After a long bout with various health issues I decided to go gluten free cold turkey in January 2012. I started feeling the positive effects within a few days and knew I would never turn back. I no longer had brain fog, I was more alert and energized, I was sleeping better, my skin was clear and bright and I even started to lose weight.  I immediately wanted to share this experience with everyone I know, but as suspected they were quite skeptical. “How can you not eat bread?” they would (and still) ask. Well to tell you the truth I didn’t think I’d be able to do it at first. I was a total carb-oholic. I could eat almost a pound of pasta on my own and was addicted to pretzels!  We ate bread or wheat containing foods at every meal. And I thought we were eating healthy. I was duped into the “low fat, whole grains” hype and it was harming all of us. I have to admit that I do miss our Friday night pizza, but not feeling like crap makes up for it!! My cravings for these “empty carbs” disappeared after about two weeks. Who would’ve ever thought!?!?!? My research produced all the convincing I needed to maintain this lifestyle - wheat and gluten are bad for your gut, immune system and overall health. Mr. H@H quickly jumped on the bandwagon and shortly thereafter we got our two young daughters on board.

The next step was to detox from sugar! I never thought I ate a lot of sugar, but it is hidden in everything (they do a great job of disguising it in processed foods). This was not as great an experience for me! The first three weeks I literally felt as if I was detoxing from drugs. After all, sugar is eight times more addictive than cocaine. No wonder I felt so horrible! But once I got through the rough patch I felt so much better and could not imagine readopting that lifestyle. In the rare case that I do “cheat”, I immediately feel anxious and angry. So for my (and my family’s) sake it’s the best choice for me to avoid it!

I get a lot of questions from people asking what do I feed my kids? Basically a modified version of what I eat. I make sure they get lots of fresh fruit and vegetables and limit their sugar (would you give your child cocaine?). I am able to recreate their favorite foods using healthy ingredients. They eat plenty of homemade treats and snacks, which they like even better than the conventional variety. Sure it takes a little more time and costs a little more money, but in the long run I’m confident I’ve made the right choice for all of us.

Childhood obesity rates are rising at an astronomical level. The astounding rise in cases of autism, behavioral disorders and allergies in recent years is disappointing. The link to artificial preservatives and color in food is a hot topic of discussion. Thankfully, my children are not affected by these issues, but if I knew doing something as simple as changing their diet could prevent them from a lifetime of struggle and medications I would do it in a heartbeat. It saddens me that so many parents are reluctant to explore this easy, free option.

We follow a modified Paleo lifestyle which consists of no gluten, soy, or processed sugar. We occasionally include dairy and grains such as corn, rice and oats (not me). I make most food from scratch, but the things I do buy, I choose “clean” brands (see my “essentials” page) that contain five ingredients or less. If I can’t pronounce it, why would I eat it?!  I try to buy mostly organic, or at least when it’s most important (check out my post on the EWG’s Dirty Dozen list) and avoid GMOs.

This diet transformation quickly opened my eyes to ways I could clean up other aspects of my life. Our skin is our largest organ and beauty products are loaded with harmful chemicals. Many of these ingredients are banned in other countries which should give you a clue that you shouldn’t be using them. The water we drink and the air we breathe is filled with harmful chemicals and carcinogens. It would be impossible to avoid all these toxins, but I’m doing what I can to clean up the areas I have control over.

My mother passed away from cancer at age 58 and I’m hoping to prevent that for myself. I’m confident the changes we have made will allow for my children, husband and I continue with a long, healthy life. I would hope that everyone has that fortune.

With this blog, I hope to share my recipes, meals and experiences with living a Paleo lifestyle. I am not a professional photographer so please don’t expect my photos to be pretty and styled! This is real life, as I’m living day to day, and taking you on the journey! I also am not a doctor, nor do I claim to be. If you chose to take the information I post and use it to help you then great, but I cannot cure any diseases!

Please follow me on Facebook and Instagram for an inside look at daily life in my world!! I will prove that adopting a toxin-free lifestyle does not have to be gross or boring! If I can convince at least one person to make a change, then I’m making a difference!

Comment away! I’ll answer all and any questions!

The H@H Family

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